Today my work continues with what seems to be some of the less travelled corridors of the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network.
I am attempting to try out WSDL-Generator, which depends on Class::Hook. Class::Hook installs a file together with Class::Hook, which seem only to be there for testing purposes.
So I have created a patch for the Makefile.PL to exclude the pollution of the Perl installation.
The patch is somewhat not what I would enjoy myself in that sense that ExtUtils::MakeMaker only seem to honor positive lists - so you tell what needs to be installed in order to get an implicit negative-list - this would mean that on order to exclude one file/module you would have to maintain the postitive list in your Makefile.PL.
I attempted to create the patch using PMLIBDIR instead of PM hoping that it would work the same way, but I could not get it to work.'
I would REALLY like to see handling of negative-lists in ExtUtils::MakeMaker (eventhough Module::Build is my preferred building framework).