This weekend I was paid a visit by Philippe 'BooK' Bruhat from ( - it was nice to have time to talk with him - YAPCs are always so hectic you do not get to talk to all the people you want to.
BooK and his wife came for dinner saturday and we talked about everything but computers to the extent possible (the girls actually brought it up) - it was nice talking with BooK and getting to know him without talking Perl.
In the end we had to discuss YAPCs and Workshops though, since we both are interested and involved in these aspects of Perl mongering.
I hope BooK and his wife enjoyed their visit to Copenhagen and visiting my little family - we really enjoyed their visit eventhough it was short.
I hope I will be able to extent my hospitality again some other time, since I find the experience very enjoyable and I learn a lot.
I have only had one monger visiting where I did not have the time to meet up - most unfortunate and it still bothers me - JPIERCE I hope you will come by Copenhagen another time.