My little script which is shipped with Module::Info::File, the subclass of Module::Info seems to have a bug, it gives the following error: "Can't call method "version" on unblessed reference at ./ line 64"
I have not located the bug myself but I received a mail from another danish guy who got an error running it with the CGI module on a Linux box running perl 5.8.5 (perl, v5.8.5 built for i686-linux-thread-multi).
I have mailed back and forth with the guy in order to obtain some data to resolve the bug. Since the problem is not as simple a programming mistake from my side (unfortunately).
The problem is that the class Module::Info::File is a subclass of Module::Info, which is not my module and when calling the script with a module name (also the last resort), I use the method new_from_module
from Module::Info.
So I have obtained the following data from the bug reporter:
$VAR1 = { 'name' => 'CGI', 'dir' => '/usr/local/perl-5.8.5/lib/5.8.5' };Which also eliminates the problem if he had been using the script in an unforseen way (though the script can handle several types of arguments).
$VAR1 = bless( { 'version' => '1.07', 'name' => 'File::Find', 'file' => '/usr/local/perl-5.8.5/lib/5.8.5/File/', 'dir' => '/usr/local/perl-5.8.5/lib/5.8.5' }, 'Module::Info::File' ); File::Find located in /usr/local/perl-5.8.5/lib/5.8.5 is version: 1.07This shows that the script is actually working. So I asked a fellow Perl Monger to test this script, since he was running perl 5.8.5, on FreeBSD though, but he could not replicate the problem and he got perfect data for CGI.