Work on Weekends?

jonasbn on 2004-06-21T06:05:23

I have not had a chance to sit down and work this weekend and last week I did not get to do much programming week nights either - I think this is a good thing.

My only concern is - since I am running my own business, I often feel like I should do more and more seems to want more. I even experienced that when I worked as a regular employee.

But if my company fails, would having spent weekends and week nights have mattered - or would it happen anyway and would it not show in a different way?

I am preparred to work a lot if I have the assignments and possible deadlines, but as I felt last week I cannot only perform a certain amount of effective programming hours in a week. I would much rather get more from these hours than working all the time risking getting into a situation where I start to make mistakes, bad judgement and getting into the bad loop, which was the reason why I left my last job...

I am not so worried about the company as such right now - administration is under control, I still have a debitor who owes me money and my personal financial situation looks ok.

So maybe I should continue as I have done so far... coding Perl, getting the assignments and slowly building the company...