Well I managed anyway...
After building Games::Bingo 0.05 and installing it I could build Games::Bingo::Bot 0.01. So it has been released on CPAN now. Games::Bingo was not it a really cool condition so I had to work fix a lot of small things (and one of the tests are acting strange) - I will have to look that release over when I get the time...
The ._
The CVS structure also works, but simply require that you do things in the right order (I would recommend a more flat structure though).
Now I think I am of to bed, I have a lot to do tomorrow...
Re:mac accessing non HFS volume
wickline on 2003-06-26T00:02:53
I'm reading from my "amigos" page which showed your earlier journal entry, but further down a ways and so I see now that you already know the cause.
never mind:)
-mattRe:mac accessing non HFS volume
jonasbn on 2003-06-26T17:39:43
Thanks for the reply anyway... have you experienced any problems with deletion of the resource files?
hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % find . -name "._*"./bin/._bingobot.pl ./lib/Games/Bingo/._Bot.pm ./t/._Bot.t ./._README
hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % rm -Rf._*
hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % find . -name "._*"./bin/._bingobot.pl ./lib/Games/Bingo/._Bot.pm ./t/._Bot.t
hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot %
hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % find . -name "._*" |xargs rm
hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % find . -name "._*"
hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot %
Hmmmm may be I need to...
hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % man rm
Re:mac accessing non HFS volume
wickline on 2003-06-26T23:20:37
> any problems with deletion of the resource files?
The sorts of things you might be likely to drop when working with text files include type/creator (which would go back to their default according to file extension and your OS prefs... 'get info' on a file and 'change all files of this type' to change your OS prefs) and editor nicities window size/placement and cursor/selection loction when last saved.
If you don't mind missing those sorts of details, then deleting the resource forks of text files shouldn't be a problem.