Games::Bingo::Bot 0.01 and Games::Bingo 0.05

jonasbn on 2003-06-25T22:36:16

Well I managed anyway...

After building Games::Bingo 0.05 and installing it I could build Games::Bingo::Bot 0.01. So it has been released on CPAN now. Games::Bingo was not it a really cool condition so I had to work fix a lot of small things (and one of the tests are acting strange) - I will have to look that release over when I get the time...

The ._ can be deleted, the annoying thing is that they keep popping up again and again :-/

The CVS structure also works, but simply require that you do things in the right order (I would recommend a more flat structure though).

Now I think I am of to bed, I have a lot to do tomorrow...

mac accessing non HFS volume

wickline on 2003-06-26T00:00:19

those ._ files are (I think) your mac saving the resource forks for the files. On an HFS volume, those would be stored in the resource fork of the file. On non-HFS volumes, the mac creates a ._ file in which to store the resource fork. You'll typically encounter this when your mac has mounted some PC or Unix volume, or when you've formated some partition as UFS or something.

You can delete them immediately before packaging for distribution (or incorporate that into your packaging script). Another option would be to instruct your editor to not save resource forks for those files. Yet another option would be to work locally on an HFS volume, and then FTP the files or cp them or something that won't try to carry the resource forks over to the final destination before packaging.


Re:mac accessing non HFS volume

wickline on 2003-06-26T00:02:53


I'm reading from my "amigos" page which showed your earlier journal entry, but further down a ways and so I see now that you already know the cause.

never mind :)


Re:mac accessing non HFS volume

jonasbn on 2003-06-26T17:39:43

Thanks for the reply anyway... have you experienced any problems with deletion of the resource files?

hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % find . -name "._*"

hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % rm -Rf ._*

hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % find . -name "._*"

hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot %


hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % find . -name "._*" |xargs rm

hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % find . -name "._*"

hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot %

Hmmmm may be I need to...

hyperstation ~/Develop/Copenhagen/modules/Games/Bingo/Bot % man rm

Re:mac accessing non HFS volume

wickline on 2003-06-26T23:20:37

> any problems with deletion of the resource files?


The sorts of things you might be likely to drop when working with text files include type/creator (which would go back to their default according to file extension and your OS prefs... 'get info' on a file and 'change all files of this type' to change your OS prefs) and editor nicities window size/placement and cursor/selection loction when last saved.

If you don't mind missing those sorts of details, then deleting the resource forks of text files shouldn't be a problem.
