Is Perl ugly and unstructured?

jonasbn on 2003-05-07T08:51:08

One of my colleagues does not want to touch Perl. He finds it ugly and weird. A few weeks back I got an assignment of delivering a script to the system he is maintaining. I wrote it and now I have to integrate it with the existing Perl modules and scripts used by his group/system.

Now I understand...

The modules are messy and unstructured, I need to call methods in one of the modules and it needs another module meaning that the PERL5LIB environment variable is getting longer and longer the more I dig into the structure.

I am thinking about asking my boss for the assignment of refactoring (rewriting) all of the existing modules used by this system.


WebDragon on 2003-05-08T02:30:08

Now you know what I felt like the moment I took a look at the code for webmin. :/

I wanted to shred it upon the instant, whip out and HTML::Template and my Vorpal Keyboard and HAVE AT THEE!! {hack, slash}

I mean really. REALLY. If someone was willing to pay me to do it I'd drop everything and just go DO it. I might just do it anyway and hold it for ransom :D

Dedication makes the difference

tagg on 2003-05-09T07:53:55

You can write ugly and unstructured code in any language. Since Perl is so easy to write in, it makes it easy to write ugly and unstructured code. But on the other hand, it is also easy to write beautiful and structured code in Perl - it just needs more effort on behalf of the programmer.

Hm. Thinking about it, since Laziness and Impatience are two of the great virtues, maybe this pulls the balance towards ugly and unstructured 'write-only' code (get the job done, and get on). On the other hand, Hubris definitely pulls that balance in the other direction.

A three-party tug-of-war... no wonder the dispersion in code quality is so great...