Well we are getting closer to the estimated number of attendees, so things are just marvellous. The speaker line up is great and the programme is in place.
So everything is swell...
Well apart from one thing - economics.
The price for having it in Symbion on a friday is quite expensive and have forced us to set the price at 500 DKK.
The price is on the same level as YAPC::Europe, but I must admit I would have liked to see a lower price, or even better at better cashflow so we would have been to do some more fun stuff.
I hope some of our possible sponsors call us tuesday with positive reponses, things will work out, but it will make the SPW a bit more fun - not having to worry about economics.
The amount of money we need to just give it that little extra push is actually very little and I think one sponsor could do the trick.
Well I am going back to crossing my fingers...