I can finally sit down to day and work on my Games::Bingo. Which is quite nice, when I come to think of it I have to be done in a month - where I have to do my presentation.
Well that poses several problems:
Febrary is going to very busy (last month on the project, deadline is 3rd. of March).
LF2003 is 1st. of March, and our deadline is 3rd. of March.
So I have to get both game, presentation and work done before that weekend. Which mean I have to work alot and I do not think my girlfriend is going to enjoy that.
Well all these things just have to be worked out, at least the project is done soon, now for some of the positive things:
My boss has shown interest in Copenhagen Perl Mongers, which is quite cool, since he is a cool programmer - I hope he joins
Code written beneath __END__ does not have to be manipulated in order to be a part of the POD - saved my day :)
Well back to the Games::Bingo development...