what is a geepblog?

johnseq on 2003-09-16T14:15:29

If you correlate GPS data tracking your position and time with date-stamped photos and voice/text commentary, you can come up with a pretty cool web-based visualization [ you must click this link - it's awesome ] of the trips you take in your life. Even better, you can easily connect the data feeds of you and your friends to have a mob-blogged/collaboratively annotated experience.

I was thinking that something like this would be useful after I attended a friend's wedding last weekend. Wouldn't it be cool if I could type in the date/time/location of the event and be able to browse through other's photos and/or thoughts on the event? I know, what a geekish thought about a wedding for-crying-out-loud, but OTOH I took some pretty cool photos. It would be nice to lower the sharing barrier to entry to simply having interested parties look them up via google/kazaa/etc.

Hmmm. Must... acquire... gps.


  • Smart-mobs
  • The merging of GPS and the web


    chaoticset on 2003-09-16T14:25:53

    ...GPSml appears to be something I should investigate more.