Perl glues embedded and Internet ...

johanvdb on 2003-04-03T10:59:46

Yesterday I was browsing one of my backup HDs to look for an old project I want to take back up, when I noticed two small Perl thingies I did last year. I had completely forgotten about them ;-)

One of the projects - Dyns::Client - was a perl module to perform an DNS update for you know, one of those web applications that provide you with a dynamic DNS update if you have a DSL or cable connection that regularly changes IP addresses ... The difference with this is that is being run by a very good friend of mine and hence deserves some extra attention!

The other project - dynsudp - is a proxy for dynamic DNS updates, written to be used from an embedded webserver (specifically for siteplayer - This device has DHCP and webserver on board, but can only send a UDP request. So it is impossible to do a HTTP request from the device to the outside world. So I build a daemon - based on Net::Server - that would accept a UDP request containing the necessary information to do a dynamic DNS update on I'm not sure if it has any use in the real world, but I really like the project, because it combines a lot of disciplines ...

Both projects should have hit CPAN by now ...

Regards, Johan