Outing of the Perl community in Spain

jmerelo on 2002-11-19T22:18:34

During the spanish meeting of Linux users and user groups, Congreso Hispalinux, there was a meeting of the perl users, perl-es. We decided to take a few actions to become more visible in the country and outside; the visibility of the comunity has nothing to do with the enthusiasm and level of skills we have. One of the things we have started to do is to create a perl-es weblog (you probably don't understand it, but you can see the camels), hosted at Barrapunto, the spanish free software collaborative log.Very soon, common software projects (Es::* modules) will follow, wiki for common work on documentation, translations of books (camel book, llama book, cookbook, which for obscure reasons are not translated into spanish), and also CVS server. In some time, we expect to have a Spain.pm. For the time being, we'll piggyback on existing free software meetings to have our own stuff. The python-es community is already getting a bit envious of us...


TorgoX on 2002-11-20T02:04:02

translations of books (camel book, llama book, cookbook, which for obscure reasons are not translated into spanish)

As far as I remember, what gets translated and what doesn't (at least for some languages), is often just a matter of whether someone offers to translate it.

So translate my book! Perl y LWP, wuju!


jmerelo on 2002-11-20T06:40:12

Well, it's not that simple; it depends more on whether someone wants to publish it. But we have agreed, more or less, on creating teams for translating books.

Es:: modules?

2shortplanks on 2002-11-20T10:19:31

What would Es:: modules actually do? If they're anything to do with the Es language then how about putting them in Lingua::ES:: (Lingua::EN contains quite a few useful english ones)

Don't forget to do the ever useful translation of Acme::Time::Asparagus ;-)

Re:Es:: modules?

jmerelo on 2002-11-20T11:52:01

Mostly local things, like checking the validity of the ID card number, the account number, converting zip codes to places and back, names and acronyms of provinces, autonomous regions and their provinces, and so on and so forth. Useful stuff for local applications. Lingua::ES could be the next step. Even Lingua::Castellana , for writing perl programs in spanish! WRT Acme::Time::Asparagus, I'm downloading it. Will send it to you in no time.