Open source (and linux) presentation programs?

jmerelo on 2002-10-24T19:51:02

I have been checking out several open source packages for presentation. I have been using Star Office so far, and am mostly happy with it (although it's kind of slow): it's got everything but the kitchen sink, and I can develop presentations in my Linux box and show them in a WinXX laptop. However, I'm about to give a presentation in a HispaLinux conference, and have prepared a RH 8.0 laptop. I can still use OpenOffice, which comes with it, but I would like to try something new. So far, I have tested:

  • PerlPoint: does not seem to be very powerful. Generates HTML. Similar in syntax to POD.
  • AxPoint: generates PDF, used PDF transitions, portable (can be seen with Acrobat reader, xpdf is discouraged), but not very powerful: placing graphics seems hard to do, no support for slide templates... for a small, straighforward presentation, that might be it.
  • MagicPoint: a bit more powerful, peculiar syntax, can embed graphics and stuff, uses its own presentation program, and can generate HTML or (I think) PDF.
Out There (tm) there seem to be XML based programs, SliTex, and other stuff.

What do you think? Which package is the best? Which one do you use?


looking on 2002-12-05T13:18:56


thank you for testing PerlPoint. I'm curious if you tried the very first or the current version? What features are you missing and should be added? Maybe it can be improved ;-)