The Why Wait Camel awards

jmcnamara on 2004-08-04T21:55:20

So John Orwant, brian d foy and Dave Cross won White Camel awards. That's great and well deserved. But shouldn't they have won those in the year 2000. At this rate I won't receive my White Camel award until 2016. By which time I may be dead or programming in C# or both.

Why can't we have awards more frequently. People are doing great stuff and they are doing it now. We should have an award once a month or once a week.

In fact starting soon I'm going to to start giving awards in Recognition of Unrecognised Excellence in the Field of Perl.*

Stay tuned and dust off your tuxedo.


* Yes, I know which episode of the Simpsons this reminds you of.

Not Special

cwest on 2004-08-04T22:07:42

Nothing common is very special. Once a year is a good mark. Besides, those clear crystal trophy things have to be expensive.

Re: The Why Wait Camel awards

davorg on 2004-08-05T09:10:04

One good reason why brian couldn't get his award in 2000 was that in 2000 he was presenting the awards :)