SoC Madness

jmcada on 2005-06-25T19:24:18

I just found out today that my proposal for a BitTorrent library written in Perl got accepted as one of Google's Summer of Code projects!!! How sweet is that? So anyway, I start filling out my application and get down to where you have to prove that you are enrolled as a full-time student in a University. This is where the fun starts...

I'm doing my thesis now and haven't paid for my hours yet because I'm waiting on the University to enter a thesis course for me into the enrollment system. Typically this isn't a big deal. In past semesters I've handled it all a day or two before the semester starts (it's a small school). This time it is a big deal. The Summer of Code will be over before the semester starts and yet I have to prove that I'm enrolled at my school this week!! To add to the issue, my academic adviser is on vacation and I just found out that there is an advising flag that is keeping me from enrolling. On top of that, I'm flying out to YAPC::NA in about 16 hours and will be gone until June 30th.... absolute madness!!!

Of course, these are the kind of issues that I like to have. Collisions between the SoC and YAPC::NA... I can handle it :)

And I cannot forget: Thank you Perl Foundation and Google for letting me into the Summer of Code. I'll try not to let you down.

Perl BitTorrent Library

nilsonsfj on 2005-06-27T23:34:25

Hi, congratulations for your project's approval.

Last month or so, I started developing what would've been called "pTorrent". Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I couldn't find time to develop it and actually submitted another proposal to Google's SoC. I guess I should've sticked to my idea. ;)

Anyway, if you don't have a code base for your library, I'd be willing to share what I have done so far with you. Not great stuff, BUT, not that bad either.

Either way, I hope you can complete the project. Then I will just build an application on top of your library. Ah, the wonders of open-source. ;)

Re:Perl BitTorrent Library

jmcada on 2005-07-07T04:11:40

Thanks for the offer... I'd definitely like to take a look at any code that you've gotten done so far, if you don't mind. If you want to email it to me: perlcast at gmail dot com.

Thanks again, Josh