Why Rails Wins Sometimes

jk2addict on 2009-09-12T02:01:55

This is an awesome resource: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/

Yes, CPAN has a wealth of information...now it only it was presented like this or our frameworks had something this good.

So what, let them win sometimes.

janus on 2009-09-15T16:04:53

CPAN isn't limited by anything and thus can express pretty much everything, as in, win most of the times.
And Rails... err, wait, isn't that just a framework, not a programming language with thousands of libraries providing extreme flexibility and strength?

If Perl didn't suck so badly at marketing (damn, yes, i mean it!) we probably would have someone coming up with a clear vision, ready to change the reality just because of the possible attractiveness.

Well, so much for the reality ;-)