Perl +1, Python -1

jk2addict on 2008-10-13T17:39:30

Learning new languages is frustrating, esp. when you're comparing them to what you already know: Perl.

Here's something I don't like about Python: the need for ending sub calls with (). I hate it.

Now, I know it's about something being 'callable' and without the params, you're returning the sub, not calling it. It's not intuitive for my brain. I don't like it.

Perl++ for never making me put () after method names or having to think about what it's doing.

sometimes Perl needs that () hint

dug on 2008-10-13T19:25:51



use warnings;
use strict;

my %dispatch = (
    foo => "bar",
    foo() => "bar",

sub foo {
    return "FOO";

print keys %dispatch;

But in general I agree (especially with regards to chaining method calls).


-- Douglas Hunter

P.S. Does anyone know how to preserve whitespace inside code sections on use.perl?

Re:sometimes Perl needs that () hint

Aristotle on 2008-10-19T22:52:33

Use <ecode> tags.