It's one thing and one thing only. Unless my memory is wrong, sub attributes can only be on the first line. Please o please, allow them to span multiple lines.
When using Catalyst, you could start with this:
sub update : Chained('instance') PathPart Args(0)
sub update : Chained('instance') PathPart Args(0) Form('someform.yml') Template('this/page') ActionClass('REST')
I have wanted that for a long time.
Re:works in catalyst too
jk2addict on 2008-01-22T14:13:17
Hey, when chromatic says "I have wanted that for a long time."...I'm not just making this up. I swear I'm not.:-)
Scouring deltas/changes so far yields nothing. Maybe it was an urban myth that they couldn't be on multiple lines, or maybe it was fixed and no one logged it for us mere mortals.:-) Re:works in catalyst too
fireartist on 2008-01-23T10:04:37
hmm, yesterday's message on the catalyst mailing list - asking why:Private actions aren't allowed any other attributes (something I'd forgotten) - makes me wonder whether someone once combined :Private with another attribute after a newline, then by the time they'd worked round it, got confused as to what had happened - and behold: the FUD was born...