When Someone Changes Your Life

jk2addict on 2007-11-30T21:16:49

An odd thing has heppened to me over the last few months and weeks. It all started with having to lose weight for my life insurance policy. I've only lost maybe 20 pounds slowly. But I had to make the decision that I had to change; that I wanted to change.

I've spent a lot of time lately talking to my friend Ron at work. I consider Ron a true Christian. He walks the walk, without the talk, without the judgment, without pushing religous views, his, or any others. He's just a well rounded guy with a big heart and a level outlook on life.

He's always told me stories of helping this person, or doing that event. The Friday after Thanksgiving, I talked myself into going with him and his family to one of their local homeless shelters to help with Thanksgiving dinner.

I honestly have to say, it was finally a day in my life where I was truly happy. No stress about work. No worrying about this problem or that problem. Just helping other people who need it.

Here it is a week later in New Orleans, and I've forced myself to do things I wouldn't normaly do. For the last couple of days while the Mrs. was working, I ran around the riverside of the French Quarter, eating of course, but also grabbing some extra muffalettas and poboys and sharing lunch with some of the locals in the park who are down on their luck. Some struggling. Some with addiction problems, some homeless and some just making it living off the streets.

Dropping a coin in a bucket is easy. Spending some time with someone, sharing a lunch, listening to them...it's indescribable.

The funny thing is...I feel guilty doing it...because it makes me feel good too. How odd is that?

Of course, I'll not speek ot this at work. It would ruin my grizzly adams/charles manson image. :-)


Limbic Region on 2007-11-30T23:30:18

There is a note on my PerlMonks homenode that reads:

"I find it a lot easier to say that I am a Christian than actually being a Christian. I am working on that."

I am glad that you are changing. It isn't easy - religion or not.

Keep posting on the progress.