So yesterday I wrote about the degraded RAID5 I've had forever and the urge to get a NAS to take care of that impending doom.
Well, St. Murphy did not appreciate my taunting yesterday. So last night, while I was running tests and syncing my svn repo, making overuse of my CPU, the laptop just overheated and powered off.
It's done that before, so no huge deal except that this time, it zorched the XP NTFS file system. Upon reboot, windows would crash and reboot again. Rinse, Lather, Repeat. On top of that, I could not find my XP CD to use the repair console.
Luckily, I had an external 2.5" drive enclosure. I yanked the drive, plugged it into my desktop upstairs and was finally able to get it to do a chkdsk once I convinced it to there was actually a volume there.
After about 2 hours, I had a working laptop again. It was almost an Order A MacBook Pro kind of evening. Missed it by "this much". :-)