Too Many Tests

jk2addict on 2006-08-09T12:56:48

So, I was sitting behind the laptop writing tests for the compat layer in Handel 1.0 and it happened:

   nmake test
   big list of test names.."line too long"

Well, I guess that's one problem to have, too many test files under Windows.

After googling, I came upon this post about the issue, and decided to upgrade my EU::MM install. The upgrade didn't fix my problem until I removed this from my Makefile.PL:

    test  => { TESTS => join ' ', (glob("t/*.t t/*/*.t"))}

It's a good thing I decided not to use subdirectories for tests, or I would be screwed right now.

Now the real question is, what happens to the testers runs when I slap a "use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.25" at the top of my Makefile?

Bad things happen...

kane on 2006-08-09T15:07:23

When you slap a 'use' statement in your script,
running 'perl Makefile.PL' will just die with an error,
and that's the end of the install process :(

Safest bet is to bundle it in an inc/ directory. You
could look at Module::Install to see how to do this.

You *could* add to your Prereq_pm, but that doesn't
save you from writing a Makefile with the old EU::MM
that you had loaded when executing this, so you'd have
to do clever Makefile trickery with a preamble section

Re:Bad things happen...

jk2addict on 2006-08-09T18:12:37

Since EU::MM 6.30 is from May of 2005, I'm terribly worried about the testers.

Bundling is a PITA, and frankly, the inc/ crap that M::I pulls is just another form of disaster with versioning.

Since most testers aren't win32, this shouldn't be an issue. I guess we'll find our here as soon as I chuck out another release.

How many tests... who cares?

bart on 2006-08-10T17:40:43

As people find ways to avoid typing the exact number of tests they have (or at least, in your case, try), I don't quite understand why the Test modules insist on you counting them.

Re: Too Many Tests

kid51 on 2006-08-10T23:27:41

This is peculiar. By my count you have only 98 tests under t/. In ExtUtils::ModuleMaker, I have over 2000 tests arranged in the same two-tier structure you are using. Yet I have never had a problem installing it on Windows, nor have I received any complaint about such a problem. And I am using exactly the same line in my Makefile.PL that you were using.

Jim Keenan (perplexed)