An Editor I Can Live With

jk2addict on 2005-11-09T15:53:26

I've been running Ubuntu Linux solid for about a month now. I've also got FreeBSD servers about the house, and of course Windows XP was my game rig and where I did the bulk of my perl development. I figured it it worked on windows first, *nix would be easier than the other way around. But I digress...

I've always used Textpad in windows. It has what I like. Per-language highlighting and tab settings (spaces in perl, tabs in HTML, etc). Configurable encodings and line endings per language. UTF BOM support, per language.

When I first started using Ubuntu, there was the simple Text Editor in Gnome. It works, but line endings and tabs vs/ spaces get out of hand. Emacs and vi are out of the question. They make my ears bleed. Everything else I tried was either slow and too on-configurable.

Then along came SciTE. It's cross platform. It's configurable. It get's out of my way...And it doesn't make my ears bleed.

Now all I need to do is get my windows version and my *nix version to share the same properties files on my USB mem stick, and I'm golden.

Life is good.

SciTE is good

sigzero on 2005-11-09T17:53:31

I use it on Windows all the time. I wish it was on OS X though. I like Textmate (and BBEdit) but to have it on all the systems I use would be nice.

Re:SciTE is good

jk2addict on 2005-11-09T18:10:18

Actually, there is an OSX port.

I think once OSX got X11 in 10.3, it just works. It's probably even in Fink by now.

Re:SciTE is good

sigzero on 2005-11-10T02:14:52

I should have said as a "native" app. I do not run X11 on my iBook.