Ruby's regexp engine sucks to debug

jjore on 2009-08-19T15:27:42

Today, I'm using Ruby for a project at work and Oh! My! God! Every week I get deeper with Ruby I become more impressed with how much I like writing ordinary things in it and how much I loath having to solve hard problems in it. This language, or the implementation seems to go miles out of its way to make it nigh impossible to debug.

Today's frustration:

  • Without changing anything I'm aware of my trepan gem () has started throwing Bus error
  • I've found that the regexp engine is matching "something" wrong
  • To debug a regex in 1.8.6, I recompiled ruby with CFLAGS=-DDEBUG_REGEX
  • -DDEBUG_REGEX produces only the inscrutable output "regex loop(5): matching 0x01" which doesn't seem to map to anything like characters or offsets or anything. I can't use it
  • Ruby 1.9 uses Oniguruma but it also fails to match the same regexp
  • Installing the latest Oniguruma from yields libonig, not something I can use in ruby. Oops
  • Building 2.x per the page tries to patch my Ruby 1.8 source code but fails
  • There's apparently a /third/ version of Oniguruma at . Maybe's it's just old? Maybe it's the version that works. Dunno

    I just want a language that doesn't make me spend immense amounts of energy! Is that so much to ask? I throw tons of energy at perl but I get cool things for it. I'm throwing tons at ruby now and not even getting things I have for FREE in perl.

    FWIW, after spending several hours struggling with Ruby, I threw in the towel. Read a book and went to bed early, exhausted.