My phone knows perl

jjore on 2009-08-03T04:37:19

It's cool to run perl on my phone. I tried compiling bleadperl on it just now but it didn't generate a Makefile. I guess I'm going to learn how the configuration system works now. The last few weeks have been endless yak shaving. I tracked down some debuild problem through diff to FSF's diffutils and all their various versions, learned how to override parts of Makefiles for ExtUtils::MakeMaker, installed and set up Gnus, have been getting into the internals of Git in a fairly serious way.

Blech. It seems it's so difficult to get to /actual/ work.


Which phone?

Alias on 2009-08-03T05:23:51

You didn't say which phone you are actually using, although from the "WebOS" name I'm thinking maybe Palm Pre?

Re:Which phone?

jjore on 2009-08-03T16:18:23

Yes, it's a Palm Pre. To be fair, installing optware quilt on the phone also installs optware's build of perl-5.10.0. I'm just trying to build perl on the phone, for the phone.

My perl-5.11.0/hints/ is up to but there's still more failures. So far, it seems all the failures come from trying to build it in /media/internals a VFAT partition for installation to /opt, an ext3 partition.

This table of partitions shows that the only large space is where the mp3s and other stuff go. The parts left to Linux are puny so I'm doing funny things like building in the VFAT area /media/internal is VFAT, 6.7G

/ is ext3, 442M /var + /opt is ext3, 248M /tmp: 64M /var/log: 39M /boot: 32M