perlcritic - the movie

jjore on 2009-04-04T03:31:00

I plugged Runops::Trace+Internals::DumpArenas into a treemap and made a movie out of it.>
It's not a very good movie but its the first I've made of the innards of a perl program so I posted it anyway.


ChrisDolan on 2009-04-04T17:59:57

I don't understand this. Can you explain what you are doing at a slightly higher level?


jjore on 2009-04-04T19:52:22

I found things in memory, colored them by type, and rendered an image each time I executed an entersub or leavesub opcode.

It seems to work much better for some work servers which are actually full of data and make more interesting pictures.


ChrisDolan on 2009-04-04T21:11:04

Oh, I see. So this is an animation of memory alloc/dealloc over the lifetime of the app? What are the zones? Does Perl's malloc create arenas or something? Or are the zones different packages of blessed references?


ChrisDolan on 2009-04-04T21:12:54

Oh, duh... I guess "Internals::DumpArenas" implies pretty clearly that it's a map of arenas.


jjore on 2009-04-05T19:51:28

No, it's kind of roughly perl level structures. Like "this stash is really large" or "wow, will you look at the size of that string?!"


slanning on 2009-04-06T10:21:34

This is screaming out for some techno/electro music.