Unenthused about YAPC::NA 07's schedule

jjore on 2007-05-31T23:55:54

I've just looked over the list of talks at YAPC::NA. There were a couple that looked like they might be interesting. I think I even saw someone giving the same talk they gave last year. I feel like I could have just made something up and had a more interesting talk.

I've recently been reading stuff like CTM which is largely outside Perl's realm of "do-able" stuff. Maybe. In Perl 5 anyway.


educated_foo on 2007-06-01T04:33:29

This has nothing to do with the value of talks (I probably agree with you), but I'm not sure what you mean by CTM being outside the realm of what's doable in Perl. Syntactically at least, all of Mozart/Oz seems pretty fugly to me, so even if you have to do something awkward in Perl, you're not likely to come out very far behind.

One possibility is that CTM is very Oz-specific. For example, I tried the "translate SICP into your language" exercise in Perl, and gave up because of all the Scheme-specific idioms.