A Toy: SVK+Fuse = mountable repository!

jjore on 2007-04-12T15:39:17

I wrote this last night after I found I wanted to use some standard unix programs like find and mv on my repository. It only implements some basic read-only stuff right now.

This is all just wrappers around the svk program, not a direct client of the SVK module. My perl segfaults whenever I load SVK manually so I just didn't do that.

I've never seen a VMS filesystem. I hear it is versioned. Care to describe what a versioned filesystem might look like if mounted on a Linux?

Updated: a co-worker says that using SVN's webdav interface as a mountable FS would have been much easier. I've avoided the Apache part of SVN ever since it turned out to be a horrendous flaming beast of pain so I guess its natural I didn't know about that.

I'd tried to install SVN from source once. Argh. Never again.