testers.cpan.org is ass.

jjore on 2006-09-20T18:47:15

testers.cpan.org is ass. Apparently failing reports have been posted there but no has been cc:ing me on any of them and I had no idea stuff wasn't working. Or maybe gmail thought every test report was spam. I guess it's possible.

No RT tickets either.


It could be worse...

ferreira on 2006-09-20T19:08:48

if there was no cpan.testers whatsoever.

Re:It could be worse...

jjore on 2006-09-20T19:12:33

Aye me hearty. Aye.


Alias on 2006-09-20T23:31:09

... I'd just like an "AUTHOR" page like several other sites have added, so I can see in a single view which modules have failing tests.


ferreira on 2006-09-21T02:52:55

You mean something like http://cpantesters.perl.org/author/ADAMK.html? Or you really need to see only modules with failing tests from among your zillion modules?


jjore on 2006-09-21T18:09:31

Hey, that's actually kind of neat. It's too bad it only shows the most recent version of each distribution. I think. I just want to ask oodles of that static page like "Show me only the most recent" for some distributions and "Show me all the failures, regardless" for others.

Oh well.


Alias on 2006-09-28T07:02:25

For me, yes that page is annoyingly long and non-trivial to monitor.

I'd like either a green/red status page type thing, like CPANTs, or really now you mention it just a filter on that page, to only show the ones that are failing.

You know, I bet that a simple JavaScript enhancement to that page would be able to deal with this problem pretty easily, rather than generating a zillion more pages.