Is that a Walther PBK in your pocket?

jjohn on 2002-12-14T14:25:41

According to this, which I found through this, Sarah Michelle Gellar, TV's Buffy "Vampire Slayer" Summers, wants to be play James Bond after Pierce "Remington Steele" Brosnan goes the way of Sean "Outland" Connery. I think this is a fabulous idea. Not only can SMG play a credible action hero that's also a positive role model for teenage girls, but it would also be total hot to see her make out with those smokin' bond chicks! Also, the sight of SMG in a tux, a la Marlene Dietrich, would melt lead.

I'm all for it.


djberg96 on 2002-12-14T20:16:47

I find SMG kinda dull, actually. I think there's already talk of a spinoff using Halle "Hit and Run" Berry's character (as herself, not Bond, obviously).

BTW, would it be "Bond, Jamie Bond"?

That idea...

rafael on 2002-12-14T21:16:20 typically whedonesque.