
jjohn on 2002-09-10T18:23:58

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all

Once again I get to pay estimated taxes. This time the the bill was hefty and painful. On the upside I believe I'm fully paid up now.

"How did your taxes go this time, Uncle Joe?"
"They sucked, little Billy. They sucked Rhino clit."

but just think

hfb on 2002-09-10T19:44:32

of all the VALUE you get for your taxes in ye olde goode Taxachusetts. When you think of something we actually get for our taxes here let me know so I can feel less reamed over it too. If I were making what I make now in Finland I'd pay less and I'd at least see public health care, free education and fucking roads that don't have car sized potholes in them. Hey, but I'm not bitter.

Re:but just think

pudge on 2002-09-11T04:05:31

Before you leave for Merry Olde Finland, please join me in voting to end the Massachusetts income tax. As you know, I was on the finance committee for a small town in MA, where more than half our town funds come from the state, and 60% of our budget is for the schools. I know well that the state needs to have a lot of money because the towns need a lot of money. But there is an incredible amount of waste, and the only way to get rid of it is to cut its funding.

Note that when someone says that ending the income tax will hurt schools, they are either 1. lying, 2. evil, or 3. predicting other people will be evil. There is no reason important things like schools need to suffer from decreased state funds, unless our elected representatives want to spend the money elsewhere.