A spokesman for Afghanistan's foreign ministry says it is premature to judge whether or not there has been a cover-up, as investigations are still ongoing, but warned there should be no cover-up from any side.
He said the Afghan Government is continuing to look into the matter, and says it is taking the allegations that women's hands were forcibly tied very seriously.
--BBC: US 'tried to hide' bomb blunder
Is this just more anti-US slander? I hope so. In less political news:
"You can invest a little money in far-out projects if they have some chance of success - it's called Pascal's Wager. In this case, most scientists would say there is zero chance of success."
--BBC: Gravity research gets off the ground
This is a very curious use of the term "Pascal's Wager," which is the cynically practice of worshipping God because there are only benefits to doing so and no upside to not. Let's hope antigravic tech becomes viable soon. I want my own spaceship.
Besides this, Boeing is also interested in gravity. Probably some new kind of hype.
chaoticset on 2002-07-30T05:22:16
...it's not just the law, it's also a good idea.;)
For quite a while now the U.S. Military has been pretty good about admitting its mistakes. I wonder what's up with this one. Anyway, I think we're getting to the point where it's time for the U.S. to pull out. I'm not sure what we can accomplish militarily any longer.
Re:Regarding Afghanistan
jjohn on 2002-07-29T15:54:40
Anyway, I think we're getting to the point where it's time for the U.S. to pull out. I'm not sure what we can accomplish militarily any longer.
An ugly, cynical person might suggest that the War on Terror legitimizes the dubious Dubya adminstration, which seems unable to cope with domestic issues like the economy, education, the environment or even legitimate political opposition.
Of course, I'd never suggest that.
* The cited page is from google's cache. I can't find this page on CNN and that freaks me out. If you can find the original page, please point to it here. Thanks.