You GO, Girl!

jjohn on 2002-07-09T03:04:37

Balance: That's all I seek. As a nice counterpoint to the story I linked to about jilted men throwing acid on former lovers, this week I find that Iranian women are taking out the trash. Apparently sufficating social strictures aren't bringing back the golden years of Muhammud and the Rightly-Guided Caliphs. Who could have predicted this? Normally oppresion is a great long-term plan for social stability. Clearly, these women are being unduly influenced by western "ambush" talk shows like Jerry Springer. Death to the infidel!

Dial mim for Murder!

TorgoX on 2002-07-09T07:41:45

In the good old days, you'd get rid of your abusive husband by just letting him go off to the Iran-Iraq war, and get turned into a spray of bloody hamburger -- if it is indeed the will of Allah (and these days, jeez, what isn't?).

Now sisters are doin' it for themselves!

Sexcops, coming thru!

TorgoX on 2002-07-11T03:12:33

"Vice police, known as the mutawwa, sweep through public places and shopping malls to prevent young men and women mixing."