Forgot to mention on thing about my Sci-Fi tour: no cyberpunk books. No _Snow Crash_. No Gibson. No _Islands in the Net_ (whose title bares too much resemblence to the Parton/Rogers duet "Islands in the Stream"). I program computers and write about technology for a living -- now I should read about them for fun? No thanks.
You're missing out
autarch on 2002-03-07T06:44:33
Besides Stephenson, who has some interesting stuff, ruling out cyperpunk-esque stuff might end up ruling John Shirley, who doesn't write cyber- but he certainly writes -punk.
How about ribofunk? Paul Di Fillipo wrote some great short stories where the basic premise is that big revolution was not cyber-tech and man-machine interfaces, but rather genetic engineering and human alteration. Very interesting.
Islands in the Net
TorgoX on 2002-03-07T19:42:43
Islands in the Net is cyberpunk?! Title (and cover art) aside, it's about a corporate ninny who goes around the world trying to figure out why she almost got machine-gunned in a feud between countries with different ideas about technology and society.