why are the letters blurry?

jjohn on 2005-04-28T19:52:06

In a continuing effort to remind me of my own mortality, nature has begun to screw with my eyesight. Staring at a computer screen or reading for long periods of time has become a positive irritation. Because I'm cheap and in denial, I picked up a pair of $10 reading glasses at the local pharmacy. While ill-fitting and ugly, these glasses do seem to help somewhat. So at some point, I'm just going to have to suck it up and get fitted for a pair of Real Glasses (™).

Damn you, second law of thermodynamics!

also hitting that age...

merlyn on 2005-04-28T20:41:16

I got Lasik surgery back in the summer of 99, which ended my 30 year stint as a glasses/contacts wearer. And 6 years later, my eyesight is still perfect, but when I'm in a dark room, I find I'm holding the fine print just a little farther from my eyes. Oops. Nature is calling!

Luckily, my dialed-in vision accidentally worked out to be 0 in the left eye, and about 3/4 diopter nearsighted on the right eye... so in essence, I have a built-in bifocal correction, as long as I don't need to see stereo. That'll cheat the system for probably an additional five years.

It could be worse..

jbodoni on 2005-04-28T21:40:38

Just be glad you're not Dolly Parton, who once said "In the end, gravity wins."


Re:It could be worse..

sigzero on 2005-04-29T03:18:28

Or Arnold Schwartzenegger (sp?)...

I saw a picture of him recently on a beach...he is not Conan!