sitting on my presentation. I already have two.) Dear Log,
My post to the external CGI program. I'm an overnight addict to iConquer, Risk for Mac OS X perl, in Ma c::Carbon) has a working Perl 6 been around a couple of days ago, I started to have nukes, your country are lovely (well, some parts are), but your browser and platform of the song, then it would seem that there was a food review, self...let it go. I see Medieval customs aplenty? You betcha. However, I do so many parents I feel like debugging. Screw it. I'll just grep it".
I was able to pay for the kennels, we said and done, we have regular maintenance slotted.
Posted from, comment he re.
Yes I had no sleep the night most associated with it). I doubt that they're only first drafts and regexes -- ugh!). I've been pulling, too. I'm hoping to catch the 3 hour nap. I feel a little here and there are people I know not only is the story telling...) there is a family trip.(Brought to you by jjohn's MarkovBlogger (™): If it makes sense, it's not MarkovBlogger (™).)
Maybe it was funny once, but surely that has passed!
Re:Do you think you could shut this thing off?
jjohn on 2004-11-16T19:24:22
Just wait. It will get funny again!
Also note that the subject line of MB entries are labeled as such.
Re:Do you think you could shut this thing off?
samtregar on 2004-11-16T19:38:28
Re:Do you think you could shut this thing off?
vek on 2004-11-19T19:51:20
What's the big deal? Couldn't you just ignore it like the rest of us do? If you see [MarkovBlogger] in the subject, *don't* click on it:-) Re:Do you think you could shut this thing off?
samtregar on 2004-11-19T20:13:01
Apparently not. Besides, just because it's possible to ignore the asshole shouting on his cell phone in the middle of a movie doesn't mean you should!I should probably just stop using Meerkat and use a more flexible RSS reader. It just doesn't support the level of filtering I need to sort the signal from the noise.