Strong Bad: for good or for awesome?

jjohn on 2003-06-05T12:15:54

Home Star Runner is a web cartoon of epic proportions. It's got drama, action, romance and pathos. Most importantly, it has Strong Bad. This little guy wears a Mexican wrestling mask and boxing gloves while committing acts of basic naughtiness. Marvel as Strong Bad flips you the double duece. Thrill to the adventures of anime Strong Bad. Learn how to draw a dragon. No question is too inaccessible.

Joss likes Strongbad

gnat on 2003-06-05T15:18:48

He's wearing a strongbad shirt here. And, of course, the finale had a Trogdor the Burninator reference.


Re:Joss likes Strongbad

pudge on 2003-06-08T13:18:39

And now there is a crappy Mac OS X app to help you read Strong Bad's email.