One of the features that the new code will have is the ability to automatically create a new posting for a specified blog, in order to publicly display the finished collaborative art. Some blogs, such as Movable Type, have pretty straightforward API documentation:
my($ua) = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my($entry) = <
You should get back a big meaty chunk of XML that will include, among other things, the formatted entry returned from the blog and a link tag that contains the URL for the new entry. Here's what that looks like:
Still to be figured out: what standard-issue XML and HTTP modules I can use to parse these requests and responses, and how much of the XML I might need to hard-code into the modules.your name here 2006-09-03T17:00:00-07:00 2006-09-04T16:12:56Z 2006-09-04T16:12:56Z, atom test Testing the Atom APIfalse
And while we're on the subject of Blogger, can I just say that it's a big pain having to code for a standard that's currently in production (the Atom API), while at the same time being told to plan for an upgraded publishing spec (the GData API: