You can now write Apache authentication handlers in Parrot (release pending). Behold, a handler that accepts any basic authentication with a password of 'squawk':
In handler.imc:
.sub _handler
.local pmc r
.local pmc ap_const
.local string pw
.local int status
find_global ap_const, 'Apache::Constants', 'ap_constants'
# get the request_rec object
find_type $I0, 'Apache::RequestRec'
r = new $I0
# decline if not the initial request
$I1 = r.'is_initial_req'( )
if $I1 != 1 goto auth_declined
(status, pw) = r.'get_basic_auth_pw'( )
if pw != 'squawk' goto auth_failure
$I0 = ap_const['OK']
goto auth_return_status
$I0 = ap_const['HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED']
goto auth_return_status
$I0 = ap_const['DECLINED']
goto auth_return_status
.return $I0