I am a sick, sick individual. After a spending a couple of days swimming around the Parrot source, I was finally able to write a proof-of-concept library that embeds Parrot in Oracle. extproc_parrot is born. Squawk. SQUAWK!
main: set S0, "Hello, "
set S1, P0[1]
concat S0, S1
set S31, S0
SQL> select parrot('hello','Jeff') from dual;
Hello, Jeff
Woohoo! Hm, I should try writing a function in BASIC targeted to Parrot... ;-)
shiflett on 2003-08-05T04:23:18
Sorry, couldn't get my keyboard to work; guess I could use a new one.
:-) Is there an extproc_php? It may be of no interest to this community, but it seems worth adding to your list of languages; maybe you can extproc them all.
:-) Re:extproc_php
rob_au on 2003-08-05T06:18:38
I don't think there is any such module available for Oracle, although there has been a beta release of a plPHP extension for Postgres - Details are available here.Re:extproc_php
jhorwitz on 2003-08-05T13:43:02
Keyboard, eh? I just thought you were drunk...;-)
The significance of extproc_parrot is that any language that can be targeted to parrot can be embedded in Oracle. So if someone targets PHP to parrot, it should just work. I know some Ruby people were interested in an extproc_ruby, and this is one way to do something like that. Things like callbacks (accessing the calling database from your code) need to be patched in like I do with DBD::Oracle, but that's fairly trivial.Re:extproc_php
koschei on 2003-08-07T15:07:16
fwiw, someone _is_ doing a php on parrot.