Shipwright - our new code distribution system

jesse on 2008-02-14T21:12:17

Like any opensource software shop, we distribute the source code for our software. How's that for the obvious statement of the decade?

Actually, I can beat it. It's a pain in the neck for end users to collect and install all of the dependencies for our software.

And now I'm going to one-up myself again. Customers often build our software against untested versions of libraries, making debugging 'frustrating.'

RT, our flagship product, depends on 124 separate packages, 114 of them CPAN libraries. While CPAN has pretty good support for recursively installing dependencies, it's not perfect and can be time consuming and confusing for end users. And when it doesn't work right, as can happen when a module author makes an incompatible change, debugging requires a wizard.

We've built a new source (and binary) packaging system called Shipwright. Shipwright allows you to track all of your package's dependencies in a version control repository like SVN or SVK as well as build order and build instructions.

It comes with tools for importing Perl modules, C libraries and other dependencies from CPAN, upstream version control repositories and tarballs. When it can discover dependency information (as it can for Perl modules), Shipwright will automatically import the current versions of all listed dependencies if the repository doesn't already contain sufficient versions.

Shipwright can automatically set up build instructions for projects using autoconf as well as projects using Perl's MakeMaker, Module::Install and Module::Build mechanisms. If necessary, you can customize the build instructions and dependency ordering after you import a package.

When it's time to ship your project to your end users, all you need to do is take a snapshot of your Shipwright repository and send it out. To build your project, an end user just needs to run "./bin/shipwright-build". If they want to, your users can choose to skip certain dependencies (if they want to use system versions) or specify an installation path. By default, Shipwright builds fully relocatable binary distributions into a temporary directory and users can move them into place or copy them to any number of hosts with the same base system libraries -- Shipwright automatically wraps all your binaries and scripts so that they can find the Shipwright versions of their dependencies, no matter where you move the installed distribution. Shipwright also comes with sh and tcsh scripts you can 'source' to add an installed distribution's libraries to your current environment.

At Best Practical, we've configured most of our Shipwright distributions to bundle everything above libc. Perl, Subversion and GD are just some of the packages we distribute as part of these relocatable builds. We now have a single-command tool to build, link and install Subversion, SVK and all their dependencies (including APR, Neon, Perl and a bunch of others). With a single command, we downloaded, extracted, checked in and tested Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's Plagger Feed Aggregator and all 134 perl modules it depends on. After that, a single command built a full binary distribution of Plagger, ready for deployment on any Mac OS X system.

I'm quite proud to release Shipwright 1.0 today. I designed Shipwright with sunnavy, one of the hackers here at Best Practical. He's responsible for almost all of the project's implementation to date, though we're eager to have additional developers join us going forward.

If you're interested in Shipwright, download 1.0 from and subscribe to the Shipwright mailing list by emailing

You can always get the latest version of the Shipwright source code with this command:

svn co svn://


Alias on 2008-02-15T00:59:53

This sounds awesome, I shall experiment.


ChrisDolan on 2008-02-15T03:23:41

There's a remarkable lack of documentation in the CPAN release for a v1.0. Your journal post contains dramatically more information than the POD.

It sounds like a great idea and perhaps a nice step beyond PAR, but it looks like I'll have to go read source code to figure out how to use it.


jesse on 2008-02-15T04:25:07

Well, it's very much a first release. We picked 1.0 instead of 0.1 to indicate that we consider it to be largely feature complete and to, well, work.

There's a tutorial in the docs/ directory, but we'd really appreciate help improving the state of documentation.


agent on 2008-02-18T04:12:07

I think we may use it for our deployment of the 4e OpenAPI servers :)