jesse@hualien:~/perl6 $ mv ruby-1.8.3 perl-6.0.0
jesse@hualien:~/perl6 $ find . -type f |xargs perl -pi -e's/ruby/perl6/g'
jesse@hualien:~/perl6 $ find . -type f |xargs perl -pi -e's/RUBY/PERL6/g'
jesse@hualien:~/perl6 $ find . -type f |xargs perl -pi -e's/Ruby/Perl6/g'
jesse@hualien:~/perl6 $ find . -name \*ruby\* |xargs -n 1 perl -e '$perl = $ruby = shift @ARGV; $perl =~ s/ruby/perl6/; system("mv $ruby $perl\n")'
jesse@hualien:~/perl6/perl-6.0.0 $ ./configure
jesse@hualien:~/perl6/perl-6.0.0 $ make
jesse@hualien:~/perl6/perp-6.0.0 $ ./perl6 --version
perl6 1.8.3 (2005-09-21) [i686-linux]
And what's the Unicode support like?
Re:Welcome to the Party!
jesse on 2005-09-23T05:49:18
See, the difference is that I was entirely joking when I consed up that shell script. (Though that output isn't contrived.)
Think of it more as social commentary on the "ruby as perl6" school of thought than anything else.
--Jesse (Officially part of the problem since earlier this year)