
jdporter on 2002-06-25T17:06:02

So I've installed Mozilla 1.0 on my stupid, consarned Windows box here at work (interestingly, my company has mandated the use of Windows (NT4) and Microsoft Office crap -- "All documents shall be in Word format" -- for most things... but then, "Thou shalt not use IE, but rather, Netscape").

Well, Netscape was giving problems, acting flaky, and IE, while sufficient in a pinch, was leaving a very bad taste in my mouth. So I went searching for a Better Browser. I've tried Opera in the past, and though it has some niftiness, it's also not open source. And then I heard that Moz1.0 was out, so I tried that.


Mozilla rocks! On Windows at least, it is very slick, full featured, and stable. It also allegedly handles the latest in web standards correctly. Woo hoo!

mozilla rocks

ajtaylor on 2002-06-25T18:24:29

I've been using mozilla for some time now as my primary browser. There are a few little quirks here & there, but overall it's an excellent browser. Tabbed browsing is my best friend. It makes using IE for more than one site very painful. I'm using it on NT4 & W2K (home) and it's quite snappy on my 800 Mhz Duron.

for fun, try these

wickline on 2002-06-27T02:58:59

Re:for fun, try these

jdporter on 2002-06-27T03:24:41

Brilliant. Into the bookmarks it goes. Thanks for that!