Perl5.8.0 in LFS

jdavidb on 2002-10-02T15:40:27

The latest release of the Linux From Scratch book (4.0-RC1) includes perl 5.8.0.

Linux From Scratch is a book that teaches you how to compile what I would call a "distributionless" GNU/Linux. Using an existing installation, you bootstrap a statically linked compiler and set of build tools, then recompile everything needed for a basic GNU/Linux system. Additional "hints" provide tips for building other things you might want for a server or desktop system: X11, GNOME, PPP, or whatever. It's kind of a vendor-neutral de facto distribution. It could even be construed as a set of instructions for aspiring distribution makers. :) It was, I believe, the first to include gcc 3, and now it's the first to include perl 5.8.0.

Perl 5.8 in recent distributions

rafael on 2002-10-02T16:14:57

I don't know the release dates precisely, but RedHat 8.0 includes Perl 5.8.0. (RedHat is one of the few OS vendors that actually have a representative that appears from time to time on perl5-porters. Good point for them.)