Functional programming

jdavidb on 2002-09-06T14:42:24

I'd like to get back into functional programming. I learned scheme and then Lisp in school, but have had no opportunity to use them, though I have been gradually hearing great things about what using them can do for me, like Paul Graham's story about Lisp and ViaWeb.

I never once got to do anything with scheme or Lisp that interacted with the environment. How do you make a system call? How would I do output? How would I write a CGI program in Lisp? Is there a mod_scheme for Apache?

Googling for string combinations like "Lisp CGI" brings me to junk sites, so far. Any pointers? I'd like to emphasize scheme, but I can go into Lisp if necessary.


darobin on 2002-09-06T15:38:13

There is one:$ecX. I was pretty certain there was a mod_scheme but I couldn't find it.

Checkout PLT

jordan on 2002-09-07T02:56:31

The PLT (Programming Languages and Tools) packages include support for writing CGI scripts and there's a FastCGI package (I've not looked at this, I would assume it works with Apache, but I don't really know).

In addition, there is a Web Server included with the Dr Scheme package. This Web Server claims to support CGI (but I think it might be a subset of full CGI support), and also support Schemelets (I think that's what they call them), applications loadable into the Web Server written in Scheme. This might be available with the bare bones MzScheme Scheme system, too, which is just the Scheme programming system without the IDE (DrScheme).

See here for a summary of the stuff available. This page is kinda the CPAN of PLT.

I might start at the DrScheme link I gave above to investigate PLT.