
jdavidb on 2002-08-28T15:11:21

Finally setting up my Sun Blade at work. I very much wish I was running Linux. Some day I expect I will be.

In Solaris ... you have to reboot all the time. It's actually in the instructions for all these configuration tasks I keep doing. Everytime I change something it says the solution is reboot. No /etc/init.d/intuitive-program-name restart. Just reboot. It's like running Windows. This is supposed to be better than Linux?

Trying to convince my system to put its hostname into dynamic DNS through DHCP. Finally got that working, and other machines can see it, but hostname still says "unknown."


petdance on 2002-08-28T15:17:05

I'm not sure what tasks you're doing that don't have /etc/init.d/whatever, but I've certainly never had to reboot any of the Solaris boxen I use at work.


jdavidb on 2002-08-28T15:25:50

The manpage for setting up DHCP to request a hostname by dynamic DNS says after changing the files you should pkill dhcpagent ; rm /etc/dhcp/.dhc ; reboot

I haven't yet tapped, though, so I may be learning some alternatives here in a minute. Meanwhile this machine has gone up and down at least ten times this morning while I try to get everything right.


Dom2 on 2002-08-28T16:32:00

Yes. Forget the manual. You can usually figure out what's going on, and restart the necessary daemon instead. Don't forget that this is Unix. You only reboot to install a new kernel.



jdavidb on 2002-08-28T16:59:07

The problem is those scripts have so many goofy dependencies compared to the way they've been laid out in every Linux distro I've ever used that it's not easy to determine which ones to stop and restart. At one point I was trying to restart the whole networking system and it was just giving me error messages.