Apologies and something to do with Perl

jdavidb on 2001-08-17T02:30:29

Okay, my apologies that my first use Perl; journal entry wasn't actually Perl related. But, I thought some people might enjoy it, especially since so many have just been travelling to conferences and such. (But not me. :( ) And I'm certain I'm not the only Perl programmer this young. (I may be the only one who's not a script kiddie, though; I don't know.)

So at any rate, just so I can feel that I actually contributed something to the state of Perl, here's an idea I'd like to see. pack() is cool, and makes for a good way of getting at binary data. But, shouldn't there be something like a Class::Struct that lets you do it all object-oriented like, but then has stringification overloaded to produce binary data? And maybe with an escape to specify a pack format string (much as some date modules allow a hook to specify a strftime string)?

I don't see a module to do this, even when searching CPAN. And I'm not sure it's really an itch that needs to be scratched. (pack worked fine for me the one time I needed it.) But didn't someone say Perl's handling of binary data would be revisited for 6?