J. David converted to pixel form

jdavidb on 2002-07-05T16:52:38

I can't imagine that anyone's been dying to know what I look like, but I did show up in some of the YAPC pictures I've seen. this one's a little blurry, but these two have me pretty clear. I'm sitting right beside Brent Michalski (|siv|). Behind me and to your right (my left), you can see a good side profile of da.

update:here's me getting ready to watch Jesse Vincent's rt talk. here's a really good one of me waiting for Simon (photographer's caption). Really good because it shows my ibook. :)

I'm in this one, third row from the front, middle of the row. Head buried in laptop. here's the back of my head, playing cards. I'm here watching Damian (second row, middle section, second seat from right, next to |siv|) watching Damian. Head not buried in laptop, here.

Here we are playing cards when Damian stopped by to ask if we were divining the release date for Perl 6 :).