YAPC day -364 or so

jdavidb on 2002-06-29T18:36:57

Home safe and sound. My luggage is a little heavier with books and things. I'm probably a little heavier, too.

YAPC was great. I will definitely try to go again, Lord willing. Perhaps next year I will make both YAPC and OSCON/TPC. I definitely want to.

Again, thanks to Brent for hosting the cookout Thursday night, and to Ming for providing additional food.

It was good to meet so many. Like I said in a previous entry, if I start listing names I'll miss someone. I got to make some real friends and find out what make some people tick. :) It's a joy to see Perl's vibrant community in person, and I'm looking forward to what the future holds.

This concludes my coverage of YAPC 2002. Tune in next year, I hope. And remember, you can read everything people posted about YAPC on use Perl; with this link.

If you find any mistakes in any of these entries, please post and I will correct them. Please post any supplementary information you might have, too, or links to related pictures, MP3s, or whatever.