YAPC day 3: townhall

jdavidb on 2002-06-29T18:22:37

Folks, the grants have been great. We've supported Damian 18 months, and Larry and Dan 6 months. The three grants cannot be maintained for the rest of the year.

Damian has achieved escape velocity and will be passing on the torch so that things can continue.

I say we, but that has not been me. I just bought two books. I think it's time for everyone who, like me, has not yet dropped a cent of support to step up and express appreciation for Perl in a tangible way. You can bet that my contribution will be made soon, and I hope you will join me. If you're at home wishing you were here and you've enjoyed these little summaries and notes, would you please consider donating to YAS?

YAPC.pm is a module on CPAN that completely documents requirements for holding a YAPC.

Possible candidate sites for next year: D.C., NYC, Boston.

Show up early and help at conferences.

Tell people where ATM machines are.

Feedback form.

Poster session: like a science fair. Stand next to your poster and talk to people when they come by and ask.

There were less beginner type tutorials because less were contributed.

Talk titles must be titled clearly and boldly to explain what the talk is about so people can decide if they want to go or not.

We have no beginners track because there are no beginners; we have no beginners because there is no beginners track AND because beginners don't know about it. If you are a beginner, please come! This is extraordinarily cheap! It's a great bargain. Hey, I'll teach a beginners class next year if a bunch of you show up and there's no one else who wants to do it. Plus, there's no better place for you to learn Perl than right with the people who create it. Perl is at least 50% community, probably more. It's very important that new Perl programmers get integrated into the community. I wish I had been more connected during my first Perl years (1998-).

We need more digital video cameras and such to record so we can keep these talks and share them with the world. The talks can be the best advertisement for this. Gnat will be putting up MP3's of YAPC2001.

Vocal reiteration from behind me that much of Perl is the community. This is something unique.

YAS is the Perl Foundation, so you might use the best name for your company to donate to.

Wireless mics.


Cannot have extraordinary quality without extraordinary volunteerism. Or hiring a professional.

Proceedings book: alpha by title instead of by author. Some disagreement as to this. Decision made at last minute; we're not faulting you, Bill. I thought everything was workable.

TPC ~1000. YAPC ~300.

The speakers at YAPC speak for free. That is much appreciated.

gnat's talking about a possible mid-winter conference. In Colorado or Utah or something. Airfares are cheaper in winter, especially coming from Europe.

Maybe 25% of us were first timers. Cool.

Hire some of these trainers. They came here on their own time with their own money. Get your company to hire one of these people as a trainer instead of donating if they don't like it.

Maybe 75% of us use IRC, use Perl;, and perlmonks. None of those dominated like I expected. Overlapping communities. Not the same 75%.

irc.rhizomatic.net or yapc.org has a vibrant #perl channel.