YAPC day 3: Perl Foundation auction

jdavidb on 2002-06-29T18:16:57

We're about to have a huge auction of books: O'Reilly, Manning, Addison-Wesley, and others. And two Stitch dolls from the new Disney movie. (Thank the mouse for us, Robert. :) ) The "this will be over all-too-soon" atmosphere seems to be building up a bit. Hopefully Damian's talk in a little while will dispel it. Of course, then it will be over and that will be all too soon.

I've never heard a Damian talk before.

It was suggested we all use our laptops to just put these books up on ebay and sell them off real fast.

Abigail and Ann volunteered to help take money and hand out books.

Joe (gizmo_mathboy) bought Brent Michalski's CGI book for $40 from the balcony.

For some reason the Java and Python books didn't go for prices as high as comparable books.

It got real hard to tell what was going on at some point. I think some books wound up going to people other than the highest bidders.

Complete set of Manning Perl books: $100.

The bioinformatics books seemed to be a hard sell; possibly because most people who wanted them already had them.

I got Running Weblogs with Slash for $20. I expected it to go for more.

Ruby in a Nutshell went for $20. First bid. No snide remarks like there were for some other languages. Hmmm. Must check out Ruby.

Programming Python 900 page book. Kevin drops it with a thud and says, "There's a lot of whitespace." :)

I got Learning Python for $10.

We just analyzed a Beginning Web Design book to death before someone finally bid.

Two Stitch dolls from the man from Disney.

This was great. Short break, and then my mind will commence its self-destruction. :)

Relative Prices

chromatic on 2002-06-29T22:30:40

I got Running Weblogs with Slash for $20. I expected it to go for more.

Normally it would, but someone must have let on that there's a (brief) biography of Rob Malda near the beginning.