jdavidb on 2002-06-28T17:25:05

The Perl 6 BOF tonight was an hour. Some interesting points. I think we were looking at some grade A-B problems with grade B-C solutions. We took off early because of the cookout at Brent Michalski's house. (I'm positive I spelled his name wrong; someone correct me.)

So, Joe (gizmo_mathboy) was nice enough to give me, Russell, and Kevin a ride, and we went out and stayed probably three hours or so.

Thanks a lot for hosting the cookout, Brent! A good time was had by all. Got to play a Wizards of the Coast game with several folks. Pudge, gnat, jjohn, and others were playing guitars and banjo. Good music. It's often been observed that hackers make good musicians, and it's definitely true.

I enjoyed getting to mingle with Jarkko, Damian, Larry, Elaine, Nat, and others. (When you start listing, you leave people out. I've left many people out.)

I got to have a real live license discussion with a real live FSF guy. That probably doesn't float your boat like it does mine, but I particularly enjoy FSF philosophy and enjoy trying to see all sides of the issue.

I had a lot more I wanted to write in this entry that I can't remember this morning. Not quite sure why that is. Not sure why that is. All I drank was Pepsi.